09 Feb What is holistic kinesiology?
What is holistic kinesiology?
This is a new branch of science that allows you to access information from the subconscious and unconscious mind using a simple muscle monitoring technique.
Each of us have been created as a spirit with a soul living in a body. The soul part of you is your mind and your emotions which exist in a part of you that is not physical. Clearly thoughts and feelings are real. They exist in an energy field outside of what we understand as the physical body. So despite the fact that we cannot see them with our eyes, thoughts and feelings clearly have a big impact on our physical body all the time.
You may or may not know it but your physical body is made up of around 70 trillion living cells. These cells don’t just fall together by chance. There is what we might perceive as a highly efficient and complex ‘supercomputer’ running the show. This supercomputer resides in what we call the unconscious and subconscious mind. In reality your supercomputer knows exactly why you have a problem, because it put it there in response to some stress. It also knows exactly how to fix the problem, but it doesn’t have any way of telling your conscious mind.
This is where holistic kinesiology comes into the picture. Using a very simple and powerful muscle monitoring technique you can ask questions of the supercomputer and get real-time answers for your own specific needs.. This is a profoundly simple yet simply profound technique, which anyone can learn and apply.
To learn holistic kinesiology you don’t need prior knowledge, just an interest in things natural and a desire to change. You can get lots of fascinating information about this exciting new science on this website and find courses that will have you up and running in no time.